July 22, 2019-----SUP! Sorry I havent updated in a while :/ I just got back from my trip :p We ended up not going to NY and Washington, so we went to the Yukon and Alaska for 2 weeks instead. I'm glad, since we saw a bunch of cool places like Skagway and Dawson City; we went canoeing, kayaking, hiking, and shopping!! It was fun, but I'm glad we came back when we did. As great as it was, we spent a long time in the car which was really tiring! But tbh, idk wat im gonna do for the rest of the summer. Probably get a job and get my learners license (I've been procrastinating it for a couple years hah). |

June 19, 2019-----Hello! I haven't updated my blog in a while, but I've been really busy. Today I finished my final exam of the school year (math), and idk how well I did, but I know I passed the course! Also, that means it's the first day of summer!!!! Me and my family are going on a road trip to eastern Canada and down to New York and Washington. I'm super excited. Other than that, I've just been super lazy and have been wasting my life away LOL! Have a good day. :p |

May 9, 2019-----Howdy! Life has been pretty good. I had my birthday a few days ago and I turned 17! Me and my family went to a greek restaurant and I got a cool book from my mom (The Art of Decadence). Mom, if ur reading this, thank you. Also, I'm happy because I can drink legally in a year (sorry mom). Also, I recieved money and got a cute hello kitty doll from Salvation Army; she is from 1998 and was 3 dollars! Also, I watched THE CUTEST show on netflix, rilakkuma and kaoru, and I totally recommend it. This is not a long update but my life has been uneventful. Cya! |

April 14th, 2019-----Hello! It's been a while since I've updated my site. Currently working on creating a 'links' section. School has been boring, but not too bad. Spring break was actually very fun, and I just chilled the whole time. Nothing interesting has been going on lately. I haven't been very inspired to create art lately, but I want to update my art section soon. Everything I create is just not up to a standard I want it to be at. Waaa! Anyways, hope you are doing well. Byeee!! |

March 22, 2019-----Today is the first day of spring break! My parents are at Hawaii for a week, so me and my brother have the house to ourselves during the break. I bought some drinks and invited some friends over, but so far, no one can make it. It's my fault for inviting them on such short notice, but I still feel kinda pathetic. Out of four people I asked, I only have a 'maybe' for an anwser. I don't know why, my friends enjoy my company as far as I know. I just kinda feel like a loooozzzerrrr! :(( Whatever, I still have time to invite some people. Other than that, I'm happy I have a break. Thx for reading my complaints this far!! Have a good day ppl |

Feb 23, 2019-----Hello everyone! This week has been pretty good. Last weekend, me and my family went to Banff for 2 nights. While my dad and brother skiied, my mom and I hung out/shopped. I got a ring with a moonstone on it :)) . Other than that, life has been usual. Have a gr8 day! |

Feb 9, 2019-----HIIIIII! It's Saturday, and suuuuuper cold outside, so I stayed inside all day. I've been working on this website for a while, and created a new section called 'My Lair'. The format is very different than my main section, and I just wanted to try out new things. I also didn't want to make a totally new website to do so. Anyways, I surpassed 10,000 views! WOW! Thanks to everyone who viewed my site. I know probably no one is reading this, but still. THXXXXXXX :DDD |

Feb 4, 2019-----Finals went okay, and I started my new semester a couple days ago. I have LA, math, design studies, and art. It's not too bad, but design studies is soooooo boring, and he never even told us what we were doing throughout the course. UGHHHHH! I tried to switch classes, but I was late for my opportunity to switch. I went to counselling after 3rd period, trying to move to design studies to communication tech. I was late, so I couldn't get in (which was totally my fault), but the counseller was crabby and abrupt for no reason. I took like, 3 minutes out of her day, and she acted like she was doing me a favor. Girl, you get PAID to help me. I'm also not excited for math, but I am really happy I have art! :))))). Anyways, today was suuuper cold, so my mom just let me/my brother stay home. I'm spoiled lol. I just sketched while watching Joe Rogan podcasts/Shane Dawson videos all day. Hellz yah! ![]() ![]() |

Jan 23, 2019-----I have finals this week ![]() ![]() ![]() |

Jan 16, 2019-----School is super booorringg but watevr. We only have like, 3 more days until exam break. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()

Jan 6, 2019-----It's 12:38 AM, and I haven't started my homework yet. >:(. I'm procrastinating, and haven't done anything all day, except lay around. I watched Stranger Things for the 3rd time, and watched Back To The Future for the hundreth time. TBH, I don't like watching new movies. I am so sensitive, so I get too attached to the movie, and my mood changes for the rest of the day. So I just stick to watching the same stuff all the time. Anyways, I also made a GifyPet based on my BEAUTIFUL dog Mr.Noodles. I am gonna probably make a section on here dedicated to him, but I can't upload pics I took on here without them turning sideways. Ehh, I'll figure it out. Byeeee, gotta do homework now >:( |

Jan 5, 2019-----UUUUGHHHHHH!!! School starts on Monday :'( I'm so not excited. Thankfully we only have 2 weeks, but then exams start. I also have to finish my homework (I haven't started yet), but I'll be fine. I'm not failing any classes (yet), but still. Anyways, I'm going to make the best of my last day. I've been watching Stranger Things, and have just been relaxing. I love that show, can't wait for the new season. I also watched this really good movie called 'The Standford Prison Experiment' on Netflix, I really recommend it. That's all that's going on in my life, thx 4 reading. |

Jan 2, 2019-----School starts soon, and I'm dreading it. :( But I had a good day today! :))) I went to the mall, and looked around a bit. I don't generally go to the mall, but I got a gift card to Ardenes from my cousin. Didn't find anything I liked there (yet), so I decided to thrift shop. I felt kinda bad, since I don't wanna spend all my Christmas money. I found 3 really cute necklaces tho (only 8 bucks all together)!!! One is a chain choker, one is a beaded blue choker, and the other is a necklace with a rock on it (idk what type of rock). I've been wanting to get more accessories to spice up my outfits. I'm always buying clothes, and I still don't feel satisfied (yayy consumerism!!!), so I think getting jewlery with make my outfits feel more complete. Hope ur having an nice day. |

Dec 31, 2018-----It's New Years Eve, 10:25 pm, and I'm sitting at home doing nothing. I played videogames on a 90s Nintendo console for about an hour, and it was fun. But I really wanted to go to a house party, I've never been to one. I feel like I'm missing out. Most of my friends don't partake in that kind of stuff. No ones fault, not even mine! I've been feeling like I'm wasting my teenage years away. I've had a lot of life experiences, but I still feel like somethings missing. I went to see zoo lights with my friends a couple days ago, I saw my best friend yesterday, and I'm going to my friends birthday tomorrow. But I want more. I want to party!!! UGHHHHHH. Anyways, tomorrows a new year. I don't have any resolutions, cuz those are dumb. If you want to achieve something, just do it. Don't just wait for a date to pursue goals....maybe I should try to be more positive in the new year. Would help me with my confidence, and make me more approachable to people. Anyways, happy New Years! |

Dec 26, 2018-----Hi! Christmas was really great! I went to my aunt's house, and had a really good time; I was happy to see them, cuz they're really sweet. Just chilled the whole time. My cousin and I watched 'Bird Box' on netflix, and it was okay; it's about a monster that makes people kill themsleves when they look at it. But I'm never gonna watch it again cuz it was sad. Apololyspe movies scare me in general. This one wasn't so bad cuz it wasn't realistic, but I don't ever want to watch 'Threads' or something cuz that's too real. Ewww nuclear war!!!! My aunt and cousins also complimented my art. My cousin wanted me to draw her, so I did. I didn't think it was good, but they liked it. Gave me an ego boost. The rest of the night was gr8, and we slept over. Nothing interesting enough to type about anymore. For Christmas I got a jacket, a sweater, a sketchbook, a candle, gift cards, a Mac Demarco 2 CD, and a few other things. Yaayy!! |

Dec 24, 2018----- Merry Christmas Eve! I haven't been doing much over my break yet, except doodling and watching the Joe Rogan podcast. Particularly his conspiracy videos; the ones about the new world order and AI technology freak me out. I watched an Alex Jones documentary about the Bohemian Grove today, and it was okay. Alex Jones is a crazy dude, but he is interesting to watch haha. Also, my family and I are going to my grandpa's for dinner. Nothing else is going on besides that. Happy Holidays! |

Dec 20, 2018-----I'm in my communication technologies class right now. During biology, we dissected a pig heart and I licked it. Good memory. My teacher didn't care that much, and the heart was clean, so hopefully I won't get sick. I'm also excited because christmas break starts tomorrow! Yayy!!! :) |

Dec 18, 2018-----First blog post!! If you read by 'about' section, you already know I have another website, called VenusFlyTrash. It took me a really long time to make it, since I experimented a lot, and I deleted most of it. Anyways, today was okay. I ate butternut squash soup and I pet my dog. HoW IntErEstINg!!! Hope your day was good, person reading this. byeeeee!! :D |